产品报价: 电讯
所属分类: 充电电池
产品规格: vcd9ac
联系人: 陆*成
移动电话: 135****3060
固定电话: 86***********3123
公司名称: 广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司
公司地址: 夏花二路28号
主营业务: 迅启蓄电池 火炬蓄电池 合力叉车...
广州贝朗斯公司专营日本三菱叉车蓄电池,可提供优质进口三菱叉车电瓶,mitsubishi是三菱电动叉车上的商标标识,叉车蓄电池依靠2v的单体串联组成,混合更加强的电流,以达到驱动叉车行驶为目的,单体在初期,采用管式极板组合,初充电争两个阶段进行:首先用初充电电流充到电解液放出气泡,单格电压升到2.3~2.4v为止。然后将电流降为1/2初充电电流,继续充到电解液放出剧烈的气泡,比征和电压连续3h稳定不变为止。全部充电时间约为45~65h, 充电过程中应常测量电解液温度用电流减半、停止充电或冷却的方法,将温度控制在35~40℃,初充电完毕时,若电解液比重不合规定,应用蒸馏水或比重为1.4的电解液进行调整。调整后再充电2h,直至比重符合规定时为止,叉车蓄电池不能过度放电,包括和电叉都一样,过度充电或者放电都对电池本身寿命影响,新蓄电池次充电后往往达不到容量,应进行放电循环。 mitsubishi叉车电池用20hh时放电率放电(即用额定容量1/20的电流放电至单格电压降到1.75v为止),然后再补充充电电流充足,经过一次充、放电循环若容量仍低于额定容量的90%时,应再进行一次充、放电循环,叉车电池单体日后在使用存在不均衡的状态,要密切检查,不然电池续航能力下降很快的。三菱叉车电瓶源自于日本gs、kobe电瓶品牌配套,采用日本技术配方生产,具备超长的适用寿命,可根据不同吨位的电瓶叉车,配置不同的叉车蓄电池品牌,我司广州贝朗斯主要批发各种进口叉车电瓶组,三菱叉车蓄电池的正极采用管式极板设计,配上特殊的长寿命的化纤套管,并采用湿法充填活性物质,网络状的负极上包裹了一层多孔化纤袋,可阻止在极板上产生结晶,而结晶会缩短极板的寿命。此化纤袋防止活性物质的散失,并可滞留电解液在极板的周围,使电池稳定地放电工作。正极板和负极板之间的隔板,是一种特制的布满微孔的材料,可通过电解液,而阻隔活性物质通过,是高品质电池的关键因素之一。电极材料是含微量锑的铅合金,有更好的而腐蚀性,而且电池在使用中,水分的流失较少,是电池长寿命的保证之一。 菱重叉车(上海)有限公司简介三菱电瓶平衡重式叉车是三菱重工业株式会社生产的代表当今电瓶叉车*** 新技术的新一代仓储车辆,性能表现可与内燃叉车媲美,该系列叉车配备了高能 效的交流驱动及液压马达、再生制动系统、性能模式设定及车载故障诊断系统等 标准功能,并且可以根据作业环境及性能级别提供定制服务。为满足用户的不同 物流需求,三菱电瓶平衡重式叉车主要有以下标准配置及多种非标选配装置。 可靠的电控和电路系统三菱叉车自主的电控系统和电气元件始终是世界电气产品的代表,以优 良的性能、可靠的质量、的技术、安全的保障系统、***低的能耗和排放为世 界所公认,并为众多的机械和车辆生产厂家配套和提供服务,如 tcm、尼桑、 小松、丰田等。 mitsubishi叉车蓄电池的造价成本比较低廉,面向市场的价格也不会很高,得以在电池行业的认可,主要用于各类电动叉车、托盘车、堆高车、牵引车等以电池作为驱动的无污染车辆;完全排放;采用管式极板制造,正负极板的特殊设计保证单体电池的一致性,从而保证了电池的耐久寿命,单体之间的连接采用铜材软连接,电阻小,抗振动,所有连接部件采用橡胶全封闭结构,安全性强,且保证单体的连接部分不受腐蚀,电极材料中含有微量元素,有更好的耐腐蚀性,保证电池在使用中水分流失较少,电池组采用全绝缘电极连接方法,减少了电池的漏电,提高了使用安全性,同时防止了电池电极的腐蚀,采用管式极板生产,单体串联纯手工焊接,续航寿命可达1500次,基本在3-5年之间,这个视使用概况定论。 目前国际上研发的铁电池主要有两种:一种是高铁电池,它是以高铁酸盐作电极材料而制作的水系电化学电池,具有能量密度大、体积小、重量轻、寿命长、无污染等特点,由于技术问题,现在国际上高铁电池基本被视为禁区;一种是锂铁电池,主要是铁锂电池,开路电压在1.78v-1.83v,工作电压在1.2v-1.5v,比其他一次电池高,而且放电平稳、无污染、安全、性能优良,主要应用在数码相机、mp3、数字显示仪器等电器中。铁锂具有如下优点:(1)安全性更高。铁锂比目前广泛使用的钴酸锂等材料更安全,以铁锂作正极材料的锂电池安全性能可以达到镍电池水平。(2)循环性能更好,更稳定。循环寿命可高达2000次(80%dod),并且十分稳定(衰减十分缓慢),自放电率极低,可达钴酸锂的1/10;(3)高温性能好。在60-80℃放电容量高于常温容量;(4)不使用战略资源钴,价格低。但如何在成本来计算,铁锂电池要比叉车电池贵很多,这个在企业核算方面,成本在初期大大增加,这个也是铁锂电走不开市场的原因,很多企业考虑初次购买的价格,在后期使用的成本无办法衡量,我国在铅酸电池行业,管式电池占有率可达15%,随着国家环保政策越来越严格,车辆排放是个很大的问题,支持环保,从我做起,选择叉车电池驱动的车辆,逐步减少叉车排放。 三菱电瓶平衡重式叉车配置的全ac 交流电机(其他一些品牌的电瓶叉车交 流电控系统只是驱动电机采用交流而液压电机仍是直流电机)和其他配置直流电 机的产品相比有故障率低(可达到免维护)、控制系统简单、体积小、能耗小、 产生的热量少等特点。 电控无级转向系统转向力小,并且操控性好、转向灵活、省力,噪音低。 再生制动系统可在叉车制动及反向行驶等操作时对电瓶进行充电,自动断电 控制系统在叉车空运转时间超过 15 分钟时会自动切换电力供应,以节省电力, 能有效延长工作时间和延长电瓶组的使用寿命。 选配的座椅安全开关能在驾驶人员没有正确就坐时锁止叉车的液压和行驶 操作,避免因此而造成的致命事故;激光指示器使驾驶人员在光线不佳的状态下也能快速而准确的操作车辆进行装卸作业;负载指示器能使叉车在***佳容量下作 业,避免超载或对机器利用不足;提升限制功能可以使货叉的提升不超过某一预 设高度,进一步提高工作的便利性,可有效的提高工作效率和安全性。 实时监控牵引电机与液压马达温度的控制器能有效避免因工作时间过长及 系统故障造成的重要机件的损坏。 三菱叉车高效的电源和充电设施由于低能耗的电控和电气系统以及再生制动的应用,使得牵引电瓶组能连续 工作10 小时以上,并能有效延长电瓶组的使用寿命(可长达1500~1800 自动智能恒流充电机能对电瓶组进行检测,能及时发现故障隐患并可对部分损坏的电瓶单体进行恢复充电。 除了应用再生技术三菱电瓶叉车配置的车载电脑还可智能管理电力消耗,因 此电瓶充一次电可维持更长的作业时间,无需频繁充电。 三菱叉车标配的智能悬挂系统可减少叉车在过弯时车身晃动、车轮抬起的情况,并且通过控制转向车速,限制转向角,防止车 辆倾覆。故障自动诊断功能和易于辨识的显示屏会显示故障信息,以便驾驶人员 迅速定位和排除故障,实现快速维修和维护。由于配备了速度感应式电动助力转 向系统(seps)可使叉车在狭窄的通道里也能达到轻松转弯;三菱叉车的重心 较低,稳定性更高,标准车可达到举升4 米无失载。 因为采用了多项防水保护措 施,三菱电瓶叉车真正可以做到在垂直或 60角降雨环境中工作而不受损坏。 通过配置低温(cs 型)、温(fcs 型)装置及附件可使叉车能长期进行低温 环境(-35左右)和温环境(-55左右)的装卸作业,以实现更高的生产 力。通过采用防锈部件及防锈处理和防尘处理可使三菱电瓶叉车适应多种恶劣的 作业工况,减少故障率,延长叉车使用寿命,使投资物有所值。 综上所述,我们希望品质优良的三菱系列叉车能服务于广大叉车用户,并与 大家一起共同发展、服务社会,“制造美好的产品,创造更美好的生活。 关键词:三菱叉车电瓶 三菱叉车蓄电池 叉车电池品牌型号 guangzhou bei langsi company specializes in japan mitsubishi forklift battery, can provide high quality imported mitsubishi forklift battery, mitsubishi is a trademark of mitsubishi electric forklift, forklift battery series monomer composition0n 2v, current hybrid more, in order to drive forklift driving for the purpose of monomer in the initial stage, the tubular plate combination. initial charge for two stages: first, initial charging current charge to electrolyte release bubbles, single cell voltage up to 2.3~2.4v. then the current is reduced to the initial charge current of the 1/2, and then the electrolyte is filled to the electrolyte to emit a strong bubble, which is stable and stable than the voltage and the voltage 3h. full charging time is about 45~65h, often electrolyte temperature measurement by the current method of charging or cooling, half stop charging process, the temperature controlled at 35~40 deg c, initial charging is completed, if the electrolyte density irregularities, using distilled water or electrolyte to adjust the proportion of 1.4. after adjusting the charge 2h, until the proportion in conformity with the provisions of the time, forklift battery cannot excessive discharge, including diesel and electric fork, excessive charging or discharging effect0n battery life, new battery after the first charge is often less than the capacity, should discharge cycle. with the discharge rate of 20hh (. with discharge current to single voltage rated capacity of 1/20 to 1.75v so far), and then add the charging current is sufficient, after a charge and discharge cycle if the capacity is still lower than the rated capacity of 90%, should be a charge and discharge cycle, forklift battery monomer day there exists imbalance in use, to close inspection, or battery capacity decreased quickly. mitsubishi forklift battery from japan gs, kobe battery brand support, produced by japanese technology formula, have a long service life, according to the different tonnage forklift truck, forklift battery configuration of different brands, our guangzhou bei rance wholesale all kinds of imported forklift batteries, mitsubishi forklift battery using the cathode tube plate design. with special long-lived chemical fiber casing, and using wet filling substances like negative network coated porous fiber bag, can prevent crystallization0n the plates, which will shorten the life of crystal plate. the chemical fiber bag prevent loss of active material and electrolyte in the retention plate around the battery discharge work stably. the separator between the positive plate and the negative plate is a special material which is filled with micropores, which can pass through the electrolyte and obstruct the passage of active substances. electrode material is a kind of lead alloy containing trace amount of antimony, which has better corrosion resistance, and less loss of water in use. mitsubishi heavy forklift (shanghai) co., ltd. mitsubishi battery forklift trucks is a new generation of storage vehicle0n behalf of mitsubishi heavy industry production of today's battery forklift * * * * ing new technology, performance is comparable to the internal combustion forklift, forklift series is equipped with high efficiency ac drive and hydraulic motors, regenerative braking system, performance mode setting and vehicle fault diagnosis system and standard functions, and can provide customized services according to the working environment and performance level. in order to meet the needs of users of different logistics, mitsubishi battery balance forklift has the following standard configuration and a variety of non-standard matching device. reliable electronic circuit system and mitsubishi forklift independent electronic control system and electrical components is always representing the world's advanced electrical products, with excellent performance, reliable quality, advanced technology, security system, low energy consumption and emissions of the * * * is recognized by the world, and provide services for many manufacturers of machinery and vehicles and supporting, such as tcm, nissan, toyota, komatsu etc.. the cost is relatively low for the forklift battery, the market price is not high, can be recognized in the battery industry, mainly used for various types of electric forklift trucks, pallet trucks, forklift trucks, tractor battery as the driving non polluting vehicles; completely 100 emissions; made of tubular plate, special design the positive and negative plates to ensure consistency of the battery, so as to ensure the durability of the battery, the connection between the monomers with copper, soft connection, small resistance, anti vibration, all parts connected by rubber closed structure, strong safety, and ensure that the connection part of the monomer from corrosion, containing trace elements of electrode materials that has better corrosion resistance, ensure the battery in the loss less use of water, the battery adopts full insulated electrode connection method, reduce battery leakage, improve the with safety, while preventing the corrosion of the battery electrode, the use of tube type plate production, single series of pure manual welding, life expectancy of up to 1500 times, basically between 3-5 years, the use of this conclusion. there are two main types of iron battery current international development:0ne is the high iron battery, it is made of water by ferrate electrochemical battery as electrode material has the characteristics of high energy density, small volume, light weight, long service life, no pollution, due to technical problems, now the international high iron battery basic considered the area; a lithium iron battery is lithium iron phosphate battery, the open circuit voltage at 1.78v-1.83v voltage in the 1.2v-1.5v, other than a battery of high , and smooth discharge and no pollution, safety, excellent performance, mainly used in digital camera, mp3, digital display instrument and appliance. lithium iron phosphate has the following advantages: (1) higher safety. lithium iron phosphate is safer than the widely used lithium cobalt oxide,
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